Background Tasks:

If you have a time consuming task such as a bulk print, import or bulk edit you will have the option to move it to the background to allow you to continue working on other tasks.

Move to background:

When a task is being performed a status bar will display with a Background button.

1. Click Background and the progress bar closes.

You can continue working on other tasks while the task progresses in the background.

Access all background tasks:

1. Click Background Tasks in the navigation pane.

A list of all background tasks will display showing you the Task with a short Description and Status. (Processing or Completed)

2. Select a background task by double clicking on it.

The progress bar will display and you can either click:

  • Background and it will stay here
  • CancelTask and you will be asked to confirm the cancel. If you click Yes to cancel a summary of the number of records processed before the task was cancelled will display.

Note: Once a background task is complete it will only be displayed in this list for a short period and then will be removed from the list.

Any messages (complete or problems experienced) will be displayed in the message section in the bottom left corner for a short period and will then be available in the Messages folder.