Customs Screen

When you are creating an order that is being sent to a country other than Canada you are required to enter Customs data. The Customs tab is enabled when creating a shipment with a destination other than Canada. You must enter the required customs information before saving or print/processing your shipment.

For more information on international shipping customs requirements please visit the Canada Post Customs Requirements Customer Guide.

Next Step:

Summary Information

Summary Information

Enter accurate information about your shipment to aid in processing your shipment through customs clearance. Fields may be pre-populated if you have saved Customs Values in your Shipping Preferences.

  1. Open Customs tab
  2. Select Currency (mandatory). CAD (Canadian), USD (U.S. dollars) or one of the others in the drop-down. This sets the currency for the price of the item (good) that you will enter in the Goods and Content section.
  3. Enter Conversion from CAD: (mandatory if currency is not CAD). Maximum 10 digits in format 9999.999999 (maximum 4 digits followed by a decimal followed by 6 digits )
    Charges requiring conversion to a currency other than Canadian dollars will be calculated using the median bid price obtained from OANDA, an Internet exchange-rate service. You can access these currency conversion rates at
  4. Select Reason for Export(mandatory).
    • Documents: if documents checkbox was selected on shipment entry screen, Documents is the default selection and the drop list is disabled
    • Commercial Sample
    • Repair/Warranty
    • Sale of Goods
    • Other: if Other is selected you will be prompted to enter Other Reason (mandatory)
  5. Enter Additional Information: (optional), maximum 80 alphanumeric
Click Clear Form at any time to clear the data entered.

Next Step:

Goods and Contents

Goods and Contents

Here you will enter information about the Good or Content you are shipping.
You are able to select a Predefined Good if available or enter information for a new good.

Select Predefined Goods: Predefined Goods are saved in the Data Maintenance section of the application. These are typically goods that are frequently shipped. When saved in the Predefined Goods list, they can be selected from a drop-down list.
  1. Select Predefined Goods from the drop-down list: if you have any saved they will be available in the list.
    • Edit Predefined Goods if required: clicking on the edit icon will open the Data Maintenance Predefined Goods screen. Predefining frequently shipped goods will save you time when creating future shipments.
    • New Predefined Good will be available for selection from the list
  2. Enter Number of Units
  3. Click Add to List
Create new good

If you do not use a predefined good, you must manually enter details on the article you are including in your shipment.

  1. Click Create new good
  2. Goods Entry Dialog screen opens
  3. Enter Item/Part #/Sku #: maximum 48 alphanumeric characters. Identifies the item, part or Sku number of the item.
  4. Enter HS Tariff Code or click Search if not known:optional
    • enter the code if known : the code must be entered as either 6 digits, 8 digits, or 10 digits in format ####.##.##.## and must include the decimal points.
    • Minimum requirement for a HS Tariff Code is 6 digits
    • Valid HS Tariff Code examples:
    • If HS Code is not known
      • Click Search. You will be directed to the Canada Post HS Code Search page.
      • Enter Search text
      • Click Search.
      • Narrow search if required.
      • Copy or take note of the correct HS Code. The HS Code will NOT auto populate in the EST Business Desktop 2.0. You must either enter the code manually, or copy (highlight code, click and hold <ctrl> and <c> then paste into the Predefined Goods field by clicking and holding <ctrl> and <v>). You can also use this for the Customs Description field.

    ***Ensuring the proper HS Code assists in the processing of goods through customs

  5. Enter Customs Description ( mandatory), minimum 4 alphanumeric characters - maximum 30 alphanumeric characters. This is the description of the item.
  6. Enter unit Weight (kg) (mandatory) : enter the unit weight of this item maximum 3 digits before decimal place and 3 digits after decimal. Note: you can change the kg (metric) to lb (imperial) from the Data Maintenance > Containers configuration setting.
  7. Enter Customs Value per unit: mandatory, enter the value in Canadian dollars maximum 5 digits before the decimal and 2 digits after the decimal. (i.e. 99999.99)
  8. Select Country of Origin: optional, select from the drop-down list the country where this item comes from.
  9. Select Province of Origin if required (mandatory if Canada is Country of Origin)
  10. Enter Number of Units
  11. Click Update Shipment List
  12. Good is displayed in the shipment list

Total Value and Total Weight are displayed: these are calculated based on the unit values and the total number of items.

Click Clear Form at any time to clear the data entered.

Next Steps:
Save or Print/Process