Acceptable parcel sizes

Parcel Services serve people who need to ship documents, packets or parcels. Each item must meet the following size and weight specifications.

Parcels shipped within Canada

Parcel Services shipping in Canada is for people who need to ship documents or parcels. Parcels can have a maximum weight of 30 kg. See other specifications for Parcel Services shipping in Canada.

Parcels shipped to the U.S. or international destinations

  • Parcels can have a maximum weight of 30 kg
  • A Light Packet has a maximum weight of 500 g
  • A U.S.A. packet has a maximum weight of 1 kg
  • An international packet has a maximum weight of 2 kg

Packets are a special class of affordable, lightweight and small shipping solutions for mailing items outside of Canada. See other specifications for Parcel Services shipping to U.S. and international destinations.

Does the type of container I ship my item in affect the price?

Yes. The type of shipping container you use and its dimensions and weight will affect the price of shipping your item.

Shipping containers come in many shapes and sizes, including:

  • Mailing tubes
  • Irregular shapes
  • Protective cartons

To accurately determine the cost of shipping your item, visit  Find a Rate.