How to use your FlexDelivery address when shopping online

Entering your FlexDelivery™ address correctly ensures your purchases will arrive at the right post office and that we can notify you when your package arrives.

Filling out address forms

  1. Name Enter your name as it appears on your identification
  2. Address
    • Line 1 - Enter the first line of your FlexDelivery address, which starts with PO BOX 99900 and ends with your unique 8-character identifier
    • Line 2 - Enter the second line of your FlexDelivery address
  3. City, province and postal code Enter the city, province and postal code in your FlexDelivery address

Can’t remember your FlexDelivery address? Sign in to FlexDelivery to look it up. Select the option to add your FlexDelivery address to your address book so you’ll always have it handy.