What if I can’t verify my identity when buying Mail Forwarding online?

When you purchase Mail Forwarding we require proof of your identity for security reasons. If you are unable to verify your identity online while buying Mail Forwarding or purchasing the service on behalf of someone else, you can still complete your purchase as follows:

  1. Select the option to “Pay now and get a barcode”

    The information you entered will be saved, your credit card will be charged and you will receive a barcode by email. You then have 30 days to go to the post office to verify your identity. If you verify your identity after the requested start date, the service will begin the next business day. 

  2. Complete your purchase at a post office 

    For the service to begin on your requested start date, you need to go to a post office  and bring: 

    • The barcode or barcode number from your order confirmation email, either printed clearly or displayed on your smartphone (all barcode numbers begin with “DSS”) 
    • Valid government-issued photo ID 
    • Proof of authority to act on behalf of someone else, if applicable 

Please note

If you are unable to verify your identity at the post office, or don’t do so within 30 days, your order will automatically be cancelled. You will receive a service cancellation email and a full refund will be issued on your credit card.