Canada Post is changing the way you ship. Together, we’ve delivered over 200 million packages using carbon-neutral shipping in the past year. And we’re just getting started.

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Discover what we’ve accomplished with carbon-neutral shipping


Shipping with a conscience

We’ve offset 42,000 tCO2e (metric tonnes CO2 equivalent) through carbon-neutral shipping with the purchase of verified carbon credits.


Moving in the right direction

These offsets are equal to the emissions generated by 12,867 passenger vehicles.


The results are simply beautiful

Carbon offsets contribute to preserving Canada’s amazing wilderness, like the Great Bear Rainforest and Boreal Forest.

On the road to net-zero, there are many important milestones and we’re getting closer every day.


Lower emissions

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50%


Electrify our fleet

Electrify our fleet of 14,000 vehicles



Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero

Explore our 2023 Sustainability Report

Canada Post has plotted a route to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across our entire value chain by 2050. The comprehensive approach to achieving net zero includes fleet electrification, retrofitting facilities, sustainable shipping and packaging, less waste and renewable energy. Here's a look at the progress we made in 2023:

  • We continued to take steps in our shift to net-zero emissions by moving to over 90% renewable electricity in Alberta, followed by Saskatchewan in early 2024.
  • We increased the amount of recycled content in our plastic bubble mailers, from 23% to 50%.
  • We added 100 electric last-mile delivery vehicles to our fleet for real-world testing.
Read the report to find out more

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Canadians want to protect this great country’s environment for future generations. Here’s how we’re taking action to reduce our environmental impact to deliver a sustainable future.

A Canada Post employee wearing a yellow safety vest scans a package while out for delivery.

Carbon-neutral shipping means we are offsetting emissions generated from shipping by purchasing carbon offsets. For every tonne of greenhouse gas emissions generated, we remove one tonne of greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere through carbon offsets.

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A country road surrounded by wheat fields with white wind turbines in the distance.

Carbon offsets negate carbon emissions released into the atmosphere. They are created by projects that reduce or store carbon emissions. Examples include planting forests, carbon capture technology, and conserving natural assets such as peatlands.

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A lake reflects tall green trees. Taller mountains line the background.

We prioritize Indigenous owned or led, Canadian nature-based offset projects. We ensure the quality of these offsets by only purchasing them from recognized, accredited sources supporting projects that have undergone third-party validation.

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A Canada Post driver walks on a sidewalk and carries a package for delivery. A hybrid Canada Post van is parked behind her on the street. In the background is the Calgary skyline.

No! Carbon offsets and carbon-neutral shipping are being used as an additional way to provide more sustainable shipping options for Canadians in the short term, while we work to reduce our own emissions to meet our targets.

A mature woman runs her hands through her hair as she walks through a heavily treed area.

Yes, we have targets of 50% reduction in operational emissions by 2030, and net-zero emissions by 2050. Canada Post is one of the first 150 companies globally to have a net-zero target approved by the Science Based Targets initiative.

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New Canada Post energy efficient delivery vehicles idle in a wet parking lot at sunset.

We’re electrifying our fleet of 14,000 vehicles by 2040 and testing other low-emission vehicles for our last-mile delivery fleet, including e-cargo trikes and low-speed electric vehicles.

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A huge grid of solar panels reflect sunlight.

Beyond our fleet, we are investing in renewable energy, optimizing energy consumption in our buildings, and investing in the design and construction of zero-carbon buildings to further reduce our operational emissions.

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A tall wind turbine stands out across the river from a hazy city skyline.

We are working in partnership with the federal government to establish power purchase agreements for clean electricity in provinces with dirtier grids. These agreements support the development of new renewable energy generation projects in Canada.

A corrugated shipping box features a “recyclable” stamp.

We have set a goal to reach zero waste by 2030. Steps taken to achieve this include waste audits, enhanced recycling services, waste education workshops for employees, and investing in water bottle filling stations at key sites across the network.

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Dense smoke clouds billow from three smokestacks.

Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions that occur outside our operations. These include emissions produced by suppliers to provide us with goods or services, as well as emissions produced by employees commuting to work or travelling for business.

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A standing woman presents to three seated women in an office boardroom.

We are developing a detailed strategy to reduce our Scope 3 emissions by 90% by 2050. Initiatives underway include engaging with supply chain partners to reduce their emissions and encouraging environmental sustainability with our employees.

A Canada Post driver stands in front of an electric Canada Post van. He carries a cardboard package for delivery.

Since launching carbon-neutral shipping in 2023 we are proud to have shipped over 200 million packages sustainably. We’ve offset 42,000 tCO2e (metric tonnes CO2 equivalent) through carbon-neutral shipping with the purchase of verified carbon credits.


Find out more about our plan to deliver a stronger Canada

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Read on about our plan to deliver a stronger Canada.

Sustainable delivery is good for business

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Sustainable deliver is good for business