Enhance your returns strategy

A woman sits at a desk in an office, writing on a pad of paper in front of a laptop.A woman sits at a desk in an office, writing on a pad of paper in front of a laptop.A woman sits at a desk in an office, writing on a pad of paper in front of a laptop.

Take advantage of returns features

How your business handles returns affects you and your customers. 73%1 of online shoppers view return policies as an indication of how much a retailer cares about its customers, so simply having a returns policy isn’t enough. The right return policy can be your competitive advantage. You can use it to meet and exceed customer expectations and protect your business.

Access returns features, and our suite of returns solutions, by reaching out to our team of experts today.

Contact an expert

Protect your returns

Returns significantly impact your bottom line. It’s important to safeguard them from risks such as fraud or shipping mishaps. These features are designed to protect your items as they are being returned and allow you to focus on your business.

Secure QR codes

Try secure QR codes

Return authorization numbers

Give them a try


Protect your returns

Signature on delivery

Try signature

Ready to enhance your returns?

A woman packs shoes into a box and looks at a laptop in a warehouse full of tall stacks of boxes.

Streamline your returns process

Discover features that can streamline your returns from start to finish. Whether you’re reporting on returns activity or managing the return of products to your inventory, we have something that can help.

Returns volume forecast and reporting

Get started today

Consolidated returns

Consolidate returns

Disposition barcode

Enable this feature

Data capture

Try reference IDs