Data solutions

Driving marketing success with data

Canada Post’s data solutions help you better understand your audience, reach the best customers and prospects and accurately attribute campaign results. Want help choosing the best option?

Let’s chat

Canada’s largest address database

Our Data Intelligence team has the data you need to ensure you target your ideal prospects and get the best possible campaign results.

Aerial view of downtown Toronto with Lake Ontario stretching into the distance.

15 million addresses

Street view of downtown Toronto after dark, with bright, illuminated billboards and signs.

1 million businesses

A diverse group of people pose for a photo with their arms around each other, smiling and laughing.

+1200 targeting aspects

Data targeting, insights, measurement and optimization

Data visualization

See how your customer data overlaps with store locations, prior campaign results and audience characteristics to refine your targeting strategy.

  • View results and optimize future campaigns
  • Uncover new audience insights
  • Create effective campaign strategies
Start visualizing your strategy

Rent our prospect lists

Acquire ideal customers, targeting residential and business addresses by geography, demographics, income or revenue and much more.

  • Increase targeting precision
  • Drive customer action
  • Access Canada’s most actionable geolocation database

Clean your customer list

Ensure you have accurate addresses, getting your message into more homes and businesses while reducing undeliverable mail costs.

  • Increase response rates
  • Reduce costs and improve ROI
  • Maintain customer relationships with up-to-date names and addresses

License our data

Build your own mailing lists and run in-depth post-campaign analyses by using our data tools to understand your audience and optimize targeting.

  • Target your ideal postal codes
  • Link demographics with locations
  • Improve market segmentation and penetration with advanced analytics

The postal code is key

Postal codes unlock data assets that help you market to the right people, letting you target your audience in a more surgical and cost-effective way.

A hub of intelligence for marketers, postal codes provide a wealth of information including where Canadians shop, what they drive, their household income, age, family structure, interests, whether they own pets or have recently moved and so much more.

Postal code explanation, first 3 characters target approx. 9,000 addresses, last 3 characters target approx. 20 addresses.

Seeing is believing

A Costco direct mail brochure on a table top.

Costco’s data success story

Retail powerhouse Costco has used Canada Post’s data tools and solutions to achieve incredible direct mail campaign results, including a 94% lift in new memberships from targeted areas and an attributed $84M in sales in 2022.

Read their story

Two people present visual data charts and graphs during a meeting.

The power of data visualization

Data visualization is a vital tool for businesses to find new customers, target the competition or make a case for a new marketing strategy. Learn 5 ways data visualization reveals marketing possibilities and enables informed decision making.

Read the insights

Discover more information and tools

End-to-end campaign support

Our expert partners can handle your campaign design, targeting and execution.

Find a partner
Find a partner

The Essential Guide to Direct Mail

Learn how to plan, integrate and execute direct mail campaigns with this free guide.

Download the guide
Download the guide

Free, online Precision Targeter™

Use our interactive maps and demographic data to execute your next campaign.

Try Precision Targeter
Try Precision Targeter

INCITE magazine

Read thought-provoking marketing content that inspires.

Browse the magazine
Browse the magazine

Privacy and confidentiality

We're committed to complying with our obligations under the federal Privacy Act. Our name and address database starts with our postal code based address information and is expanded with information from publicly available telephone directories and consumer-based surveys. We also use statistical postal code level data provided by government departments and/or private-sector data aggregators. These sources do not give businesses any access to any personally identifiable information.

Visit our privacy centre to learn about our privacy policies.

Read our privacy policy

Have more questions?

We can help validate your customer data, develop your target audience and identify postal codes to find your best customers. Contact us to find out more.

Contact us