We need your help to keep our people safe this winter

February 19, 2019
2 minute read

Clearing snow and ice lets us delivery safely and promptly

Winter is a way of life in Canada – but even in the iciest time of year, slips, trips and falls don’t have to be.

Did you know that falling is the most common cause of injury in Canada? Every day, thousands of Canadians are taken to hospital because of a painful fall.

At Canada Post, we know this all too well. Slips, trips and falls account for about half of our injuries every year. These injuries have real impacts on our employees and their families: concussions, broken bones, mental anguish, poorer quality of life – they’re all potential consequences of a slip, trip or fall.

We have nearly 22,000 delivery employees out on the streets every workday. This January alone, more than 100 of our employees across the country were injured as a result of a fall while out delivering – some suffering broken or dislocated bones.

Every Canadian hopes to make it home safe each day. At Canada Post, we want all of our employees to make it home safely to their families as well.

Here’s where we could really use your help.

You can make a big difference in ensuring we deliver your parcels and letters safely and in a timely manner – while also helping you, your family and visitors to your home stay safe as well.

We ask that you please…

Clear snow and ice from your driveways, walkways, stairs and around your mailbox.

  • We want to deliver your parcels and letters, but can only do so if we have a clear and safe path to the mailbox.

Use ice melter, de-icing salt or traction sand to provide a safe path to your mailbox.

  • Be prepared for the worst of winter. Have ice melter, de-icing salt or sand on hand and use it regularly to keep your driveway, walkway and stairs safe in winter.

Keep your stairs, handrails and mailbox free of obstructions and in good shape.

  • Ensure that items like extension cords, lights or decorations are not obstructing a clear and safe path to the mailbox.

Your help will go a long way in keeping our employees safe and reducing the risk of falling for anyone who visits your home.

Canada Post is also working hard to reduce the number of incidents of slips, trips and falls affecting our employees.

We train our delivery agents on how to identify potential hazards on their routes so they can avoid injury. We’re also partnering with major Canadian retailers like Mark’s, Running Room and SportChek to provide employees with discounts on slip-resistant footwear that has been scientifically tested at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute’s WinterLab.

We’ve seen that even the smallest things like clearing your driveway, walkways and stairs can help enormously during the slippery winter months.

Together, we can help keep Canadians safe this winter. Thank you so much for your assistance. We truly appreciate your commitment to safety.