How Mangata Apothecary reaches Canadians

3 minute read

Meet Mangata Apothecary – an inspiring Canadian small business that was selected as a finalist in the Marketing Magic category of our Small Business Tales of Triumph Contest. This category of the contest is reserved for brands that are investing in marketing to strengthen and support their business’s growth.  Let’s get to know this amazing Canadian company and learn how they’re doing just that.

Founder of Mangata Apothecary, Stephanie Henderland, wears an apron and holds a basket of her products.

Mangata Apothecary’s natural roots

Mangata Apothecary hand crafts herbal skin and body care products. Their natural product collections are designed to enhance beauty, health and wellness. They’re located in South Surrey, British Colombia and have an online shop.

The brand was created by Stephanie Henderlin who began by crafting products in her kitchen. She was trying to develop healthy and sustainable options for her family so they could stop spending money on toxic products. She has a degree in Intercultural Studies and Midwifery – which means she has ample knowledge about alternative health and wellness. She’s currently working to become a Registered Herbalist.

Find out more about Mangata Apothecary
and their natural beauty line.

Visit their website*

*Website is only available in English.

How Mangata Apothecary markets itself and its products

When Mangata Apothecary first opened for business, they promoted their products at farmers markets and focused on reaching their hyper local community. In the last year, they’ve pivoted to attend larger events like CHFA – NOW (presented by the Canadian Health Food Association) – Canada’s biggest tradeshow and conference dedicated to natural, organic and wellness products. They also attend other tradeshows in Vancouver and enter pitch competitions to raise awareness for the business.

In terms of the products they promote, they’re currently focusing their attention on their 23 best-selling products.

Getting social

Beyond using in-person events to raise awareness, they use social media to promote the brand and their products. In fact, Stephanie was able to pinpoint Mangata Apothecary’s ideal customers through Facebook – Gen Z and young moms between the ages of 25 and 35 years old. They’ve since hired a social media manager who has set up their accounts on Instagram and TikTok – 2 social platforms that are popular with their target demographic. They’ve also launched an ambassador program for moms that love their offerings.

Growing within their niche

Sometimes when it comes to growth, being hyper focused is better than trying to reach the masses. To capture the attention of the right customers, Mangata Apothecary is targeting their sampling more than they did in the past and are attending markets, tradeshows and expos that are more specific to their target audience. This approach can be extremely effective and is helping them grow strategically.

A collection of roller aromatherapy bottles from Mangata Apothecary sit on a wooden board.

Keeping their community in mind

Despite Mangata Apothecary’s laser focus on business growth, they still actively support their community. They give back through product donations to non-profit auctions and local businesses that are doing good in the community.

We’re proud to recognize Mangata Apothecary as a finalist in our 2022 Tales of Triumph Contest in our Marketing Magic category. This Canadian-owned and operated business is delivering more for Canadians and serving as a source of inspiration for other businesses in the alternative health and wellness space.

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