5 easy ways to adapt your small business during Coronavirus (COVID-19)

2 minute read

As the situation around COVID-19 continues to affect online shopping behaviour and disrupts how brands operate, small businesses have been hit especially hard. Figuring out how to survive, let alone prosper, can be overwhelming.

But there are specific actions that you can take today which will help your business adapt to the current situation.

Below are five simple yet meaningful changes that can help you better navigate the uncertainty, build a stronger brand for the long term and perhaps even earn more sales right now.

  1. Proudly showcase products made in Canada

    Now, more than ever, Canadians want to buy from Canadian brands. Highlighting the fact that you’re Canadian on your website and your ads, when possible, can help you increase sales.

  2. Key information should be front and centre for your customers

    Ensure your website features the information customers need – and that it’s easy to locate. Key information includes product availability, shipping fees, speed of delivery, your returns policy, and how you are improving your services and resources to better serve customers. Tweak your product descriptions so they directly speak to your customers’ evolving needs, as their work and home lives have changed during the pandemic.

    Learn more about how you can enhance your website.

    Read blog
  3. Think forward and offer gift cards

    Now is a good time to offer gift cards online – they will give you the cash flow you need in the short term and encourage your customers to return to your website or physical store in the future.

  4. Strengthen customer connections with social media

    Brainstorm ways you can make your customers feel more connected in a time of physical distancing.

    For instance, if your business offers health and beauty products, now could be a good time to leverage Facebook Live to host virtual workouts, yoga classes, or meditation sessions. Social media is designed for conversation, so be sure to stay active and think about how you can bring out the human side of your brand by connecting with your community.

  5. Manage your customers’ expectations around delivery

    Be up front. Providing details regarding delays and time estimates will help customers know what to expect. You want your delivery information to be realistic, clear and transparent before purchase. This will help you avoid abandoned carts – and frustrated customers.

Financial relief available to Canadian businesses

Discover key federal and provincial relief programs to help you during the pandemic.

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