Canadian shoppers are enthusiastic about curbside pickup – and will continue to be

< 1 minute read

Canadians aren’t quite ready to curb their enthusiasm for curbside pickup. The last year (or two) ushered in a wave of new, and heightened, customer expectations that retailers raced to address. Curbside pickup was a good solution in the moment. Its popularity is unlikely to wane for Canadians – even as they slowly return to in-person shopping.

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To better understand how Canadians’ shopping expectations have evolved, and where they are headed next, Canada Post surveyed more than 5,000 Canadians who made online purchases in the last year. Our findings will help you better understand how the expectations of shoppers have evolved. It offers a clear picture of what shoppers are thinking when it comes to curbside pickup, including:

  • What they liked (and didn’t like) about the curbside pickup experience during the pandemic
  • Why they plan to continue using curbside pickup, post-pandemic
  • Their expectations of retailers offering curbside pickup going forward
  • The improvements they would like to see for future curbside pickup experiences
  • Unique curbside pickup enhancements that set a retailer apart from the crowd

In addition to the numbers, you’ll hear from shoppers in their own words about the value of curbside pickup in their lives, and its importance to them going forward.

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